AS I write it is just 4 days until September 11. The day has greater significance for me as I have been to Afghanistan and am in Iraq which are both outcomes, for better or for worse, of that event. I am posting a picture of Janet and myself in an empty C-17 we flew on from Al Udeid to here. After spending most of the day for our broken aircraft to get fixed we got lucky and flew directly here.
The mood here is improving as the weather cools down. It was only in the 90s today and actually cool this morning as I went to make a phone call. It is also a mellow time as our tour of duty is over half way done. I know the second half of my runs are always more relaxing than the first half. Next week Janet and I will be traveling to Al Asad which is a Marine Base in the western section of Iraq. After Al Asad we will head over to Balad Air Base where we have a good number of Red Horse members building up that base. Following Balad we will come back here before heading out to Afghanistan again. GOD bless you and keep you in grace and peace!
Glad to hear you got a break in the weather. We had another very busy breakfast this morning. People were glad for the chance to come in out of the rain. Hope you have lots of caffeine to keep you going!!!
Take care, looking forward to your return.
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