
We are preparing to make our way back to Iraq and COB Speicher. A friend asked why it was that I was moving around so much. I apologize for that lack of clarity. I am the chaplain for the Red Horse Squadron which is the combat engineer arm of the Air Force Civil Engineers. Red Horse is a theater wide asset, which means we are working projects across CENTCOM which includes Iraq, Afghanistan and many other areas. We have two teams in Afghanistan, one in Al Udeied, QARTAR, and three in Iraq with one new mission starting up. I must admit that the travel gives me a unique perspective on our involvement in this part of the world. I am including pictures here of the Bagram Air Base at dawn as we prepared to come here to FOB Sharona. I also have a picture of a memorial area at Sharona that has sunflowers! The thought, "Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas any more,..." has crossed my mind many times, but I was caught up for just a moment with those sunflowers, the Kansas state flower! There is another picture of my assistant Janet and the assistant who is working here,Spec. 4 Amy Justice. She has been wonderful in supporting our ministry here. I preached twice on Saturday which felt good. I realize anew each time I worship how vital the worshiping community is to my spiritual life. I truly miss the rich beauty of my congregation in Kansas. I was talking to one of our young engineers today and he calculated out that today is exactly the half way point in our deployment. It will be good to return home, with many stories and a deepening compassion for the children of GOD living in these desert lands. GOD bless you in your journey, thank you for looking in on my journey, GOD bless you on your journey!

There are no words to tell you how proud I am of you and your service. We all miss you terribly. I always love hearing from you. Keep the faith and be a credit pops!
Janet. How amazingly coincidental that we have both experienced Bagram at sunrise. Quite amazing. The rest of the Guard Chaplain Corps is really missing out on the experience of a lifetime. I know you will never forget the dedication and excellence of our troops wherever you have seen them and the joy of being in service to them. I have about three weeks left at NGB. Deployed a Priest to the desert today---Arizona. This is an awesome experience. You should come to NGB in January. Bill, your Guard Bum Chaplain of the 147th.
Janet - keep smiling and keep your head low. Prayers and good wishes while you are traveling. Jonathan
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