Saturday, July 22, 2006

(picture taken on convoy from spcicher to mosul)

The past few days have been some of the most satisfying in my military career. First of all, getting to know and work with Msgt Janet O'Keethe-Hernandez has been great fun. She even has given me a gift, a container of Right Guard anti-perspirant. I wasn't quite sure what to make of this, is she trying to tell me something in her sutle Texas way? Actually, we received a generic care package from the states to distribute to the troops serving here. I kept the Right Guard. It was 120 degrees today. The second thing was a unit news lettter I edited with some help from the talented young engineers working in this deployment. It was a collaboration between myself in Mosul, Iraq and an engineer at Balad Air Base, Iraq, an engineer at Bagram Airbase in Afghanistan and our commander (I don't know where he is?). I am hoping my daughter Heidi who is my post mistress for this blog will be able to find a way to link the newsletter to this blog. The third thing was a "needs assessment" I did for the convoy team. Janet and I led four hour long sessions asking the airmen how it was going for them. I compiled the results and submitted them to the commander of our CLP team. He and his senior NCO's were very grateful for the feedback on the life of this mission community. I have also done needs assessment with our airmen who were going to Afghanistan and that also was helpful to the command staff. Tomorrow I am scheduled to lead 'Sunrise Prayers" at St. Elijah's Monastery here at FOB Marez at 0700. We shall see how that goes. Soon I head back down to COB Speicher for a spell and then off to Afghanistan for a visit. I pray all is well for you in your journey. And to all wo are following this blog who are connected to Janet, GOD bless you and thank you for your prayers. While Iraq isn't Texas or Kansas, what we do is realitively safe. Some risk is necessary in a war zone. Janet's professional career makes her quite adept at assessing risk so I think we will be just fine. None the less, we appreciate all the prayer support you can give, for us, but mostly for those whom we serve.

Peace be with you!

(alright, I haven't figured out how to attatch a pdf file into this blog yet. the newsletter will be posted as soon as this post-mistress can overcoome her technological challenges! Thanks for your patience and support....Heidi)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool picture. Stay safe.

5:02 AM  
Blogger Heidijayhawk said...

Keep the Faith and Be a a Credit pops!

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Dave! Someone has to be the voice of admonition here! Shouldn't you be staying low in the convoy, not popping your head up to take pictures??? And can't you just stay inside the compound where it's safe? You're making me nervous traipsing all over Iraq! Okay, I just had to get that out of my system. I know you're doing vital work out there and that you're keeping safe. I'm amazed at your strength and your dedication to duty and service. Take care! For goodness sake keep your head down! :) Donna

3:37 PM  

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