care packages
The high points of this week were two greetings that came in the mail. The first greeting I received when I arrived back here at Speicher and caught up with my mail. I received mail from a number of friends and my heart was warmed. McLeans from Wichita sent along four large bags of jelly beans. Its amazing how jelly beans can create a mild sensation when they are shared between freinds. My neighbor in the room next to mine took a little bag and shared them at work. Jelly bean ministry, who would of thought of it. Also in the large jelly bean box was a poster from St. Paul's in Wichita. I posted it outside my office which is right next to the mail room which most deployed members see every day. I am including a picture. Any reminder we have that folk back home are holding us in their thoughts really is helpful. Another greeting came from the governor's office, a Kansas flag that has flown over the captitol in Topeka. There is included with it a certificate of authenticity signed by our great governor Kathleen. The state motto, "To the stars through difficulties" echos the struggles in this place. While Kansas' struggles were the struggles of the civil war and the stars were the stars of statehood the struggles here are for freedom and democracy. I have also included a photo of myself and the Kansas state flag. I greet you all from the depths of my heart, I wish you peace and freedom!