leaving afghanistan

Janet and I just completed our second tour of Afghanistan. What and extraordinary country and beautiful people. This web address will bring you to the centcom website which details much of what we are doing in Afghanistan. http://www.cfc-a.centcom.mil/ If you go to Freedom Watch and click on Oct 16 you will discover the wonder of what America is really about in this part of the world. Please note the picture and quotation on the last page of this magazine. If you are interesting in what is really going on in this part of the world, spend some time on this website. I am also posting two pictures of Janet and I at KKC which is a good ways south of FOB Sharana where we traveled the other day. My last post dealt with our convoy to the south. Since then we spent a day on the road working with our Red Horse members (or rather watching them work) and living with them in their simplicity for 5 days. It was decided that it was too dangerous to continue on the stretch of road going north our of KCC, so our crew is working to the south of KKC. Roads in this part of the world are a huge advance for the Afghan people.
I have met several people who are involved with the Provincial Reconstruction Teams in both Afghanistan and in Iraq. They are passionate in their belief that what they are doing is decisive for the long term future of the part of the world. It is deeply discouraging to read the papers and watch the news that totally ignores the reality of the good we are doing. I am hopeful for Afghanistan . We are even now seeing the fruits of our labors. I believe this same approach, the PRT's, are the long term solution in Iraq. A young officer from the PRT at COB Speicher shared this with me as we spoke nearly a month ago now. I intend to make appointments with my federal elected officials when I return and share this belief with them.
I wish you well, we head back to Iraq early next week and will make a final round of visitations before we return home around the first part of December.
I wanted to comment to Brad, wish I had his direct e-mail. I'm the Chaplain Assistant here serving along side Chaplain Fulton and along side our fellow sons and daughters of the United States. We, the Chaplain, the soldiers and me are here living this war and serving our country and fellow men...providing ministry, up lifting morale and praising God. We need the support from you and our fellow countrymen Brad. There is a place and time to express oneself and ones views, but while we are here let us remember we are the servants and let us SERVE...uplift us in prayer please do not bring us down in your negative view of why we are here on the front lines. God Bless and Proudly Serving.
MSgt Janet O'Keeffe-nandez
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