Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Long Day

My day began early. I woke up at 4:19 and after devotions, coffee and my shaving routine I was off to St. Francis Hospital to visit with a member who is having by pass surgery. When I arrived she had just be taken to the OR so I visited with her family for a couple of hours. At about 9:00 I went to McConnell Air Force Base and began my in processing into the Air Force Reserve. I am the Group Chaplain for the 931st ARG at McConnell. It feels good to belong to a military organization again. I began my career inthe Air Force Reserve and I will end it there as well.

After a couple of hours of this I wen back to the hospital to see how Alice came through surgery. She did very well thanks be to God.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Life on the Edge

Sunday after a terrific storm Mary and I were stunned by a full rainbow. This shot was taken from our deck. This week is a week spent close to the edge of life as I have a member, Alice who is in intensive care at St. Francis Hospital. She will be having by pass surgery on Wednesday. One of the great privileges of a pastor's life is to dwell with folk close to the edge. Such dwelling is best accomplished through prayer. Today, I am doing a funeral for a dear soul, Wanda. She has been in frail health for some time and now has passed over from death to LIFE!! Wanda lived with a deep serenity that was energize to be around. I pray that serenity will accompany you on your journey this day.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

This is a day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! On this Sunday I am basking in the glow of a fantastic event yesterday. It was the 10th Anniversary of Topeka's Safe Streets program. There were several hundred people there and the folk with whom I worked to get the program started. It has to be a high point for my ministry to see a vision realized. Now, I need to do the same thing here in Wichita.

Today will be a full day as I lead worship in the morning and then meet with a family this afternoon about a funeral. O the life of a pastor! Then, I have to be there for the by pass surgery of Alice graham on Monday. In my line of work when it rains it pours. I am feeling profoundly grateful for all the blessings in my life, for my marriage, my family and my vocation. Thanks be to God!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Thoughts along the way

This is my entry into the arena of public journey. It seems the human soul has an insatiable need to express itself to other souls. Perhaps this is a way of achieving an authentic exchange of personal insights into the mystery we share, that is the mystery of existence in the presence of God. This could also be a way of entering into the wonder of prayer, our united conversation with the Holy One, I invite you to join me in this converstaion. Peace be with you!