Off he goes

Dad leaves tonight to fly from Wisconsin through Iceland and Turkey to Kuwait. I know we are all waiting to hear from him about a safe flight. A long, but safe flight. I know many of you check this site regularly, and dad does as well. he is able to see your wonderful comments and it gives him great comfort. If you feel moved to write even a few words, I know your thoughts and prayers uplift him. Click on the comments link below to leave your comment. As much as we all miss him, he is alone over there and misses us even more. Peace be with you all.....Heidi
As we enter Pentecost, may we rejoice in God's promises, His Holy Spirit, His omnipresence. Our "thanks-you's" seem such a small thing, Dave. But our prayers are with you and all the incredibly dedicated men and women making the inimaginable sacrifice of home and family. Hurry home. Be safe.
dad- we've been thinking of you all weekend and praying for your safety as you travel. excited to hear about all your adventures.
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