Back from FOB

As I complete my second week at Ft. McCoy I believe I am moving into a military mode. I realized recently that the transition from civilian to military is significant and I am making a second transition from military to Expeditionary Military. The Expeditionary military is a rigorous life style but I am adjusting. I just returned last night from FOB Liberty. FOB means Forward Operating Base. I will be deployed to FOB's in Iraq so it is good training. The training is mostly "Combat Skills" and since I am a non-combatant I pass on much of the fun. I did accomplish IMT which is "Individual Movement Training." This includes a "low crawl" which means your are dragging your helmet in the ground and scooting up as best you can. Our IMT was accomplished in a Wisconsin rain storm, which meant I came back covered in mud. It felt like after a football practice!
On of the great benefits of military service is meeting people from all over the country. My Chaplain's Assistant, Brandy Smith, is from South Carolina and has a good deal of southern charm. One of our sergeants is MSGT Hit from Mississippi who is quite a character. Sgt Clark is from Rhode Island and is quite a character also. This training reminds me of the World War II movies that portray a group of soliders training together and then in combat together. The combat for us is not our primary mission, out mission is peace making by building infrastructure for the Iraqis. My mood is reasonably good, considering I am away from family and church for an extended period of time.
It is becoming clear to me that the world wide war on terroism is necessary. If we fail in Iraq the world will be a very violent lace for a very long period of time. God have mercy on your human family.
The next two weeks will be a time of more combat training and more specific planning for our chaplain service mission into Iraq. I appeciate your reading my blog and I welcome your emails, it brings me moments of refreshemt. May our Lord bless you and keep you in grace and peace!
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