
I am gaining clarity on my ministry here. My commander said he wants me to be present here at COB Speicher and so I will be moving between COB Speicher and FOB Marez, which is close to Mosul Iraq. Here is an article about the group who we repaced this week. We are the 823rd Red Horse Squadron. The bottom picutre in the article is of a housing unit that I occupy.
Col. Sullivan is the commander of the group we are replacing. He is a fascinating person of faith. We had an opportunity to visit a bit before the Change of Command ceremony. He shared an interesting series of thought on me. One was his idea that life in the AOR (Area of Responsibility ie all deployed military members inthe middle east) is very simple. Its about work, eating and very little recreation. Having lived this way for 6 months they redeploy back to the United States with its commercial frenzy and rapid life style. This is close to the thought I have had on the desert experience, an experience of simplicity in a living encounter with GOD. My own thoughts on the matter is that the desert life style is living simply in GOD's presence. This is something I have been advocating for some time and my congregation will recognize these ideas. Having no tv, except what we get in the chow hall which is usually taped and never includes comercials (How am I going to know what prescrition drugs to take, or ask my doctor to prescribe for me?) Many blessings to you my brothers and sisters. One thing the desert does is intensifies the value of relationships. I thank GOD for you and pray all is well with you. God bless you! I welcome your emails at:
so proud of you dad...so proud. keep the faith and be a credit.
Hey Mr. desert experiance- My concern is that you stay safe. If you decide you want to take a walk in Tikrit be sure to take several of those guys with big guns with you. It is 61 degrees here to day I wish it would warm up.(just kidding) I went fishing with Larson last weekend and caught 2 nice king salmon. We even caught a white king.
Are you able to get any exercise? Going to Mom's for dinner tonight. You are always in our prayers. Dennis
I second what Uncle D says. Take a sharp shooter with you if you want to go take a stroll through town. Will
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