
It's official, I am moving to FOB Speicher on Friday. I will be flying down in a blackhawk helicopter. That is a first for me. Alot of firsts these past days. I will be keeping most of my gear here in Mosul, from what I hear it is much better living here, with outstanding meals and good accommodations. Unfortunately, it looks like our mission here will only last for a month or two. At that point it is likely that our operations will be in Afghanistan and other parts of Iraq. I am posting a picture of the Red Horse logo for our location. The attitude here is one of flexibility, we do not know where we are headed exactly.
I met with a representative of the Army's Civil Affairs unit. These are the folks who work with local communities. As you kow I have an interest in engaging the Iraqi population for good. I think this is a route that could be helpful in achieving that goal. I will let you know more later.
Finally, I visted St. Elijah's Monastary yesterday. This is located "inside the wire" of our compound here and is a favorite spot for folk to visit. It gives one a sense of the Christian past of this country. The facility is inspiring and yet sad in that it is an _expression of a spirituality long past. The advocates of of the "Emergent Church" speak of a new monasticism that is woven into the fabric of American life. I certainly advocate this view, as I am convinced Americans live too fast. I am so thankful for all who are offering prayers on my behalf for those whom I serve in this place. I can feel the energy from GOD, thank you!
Mosul, Iraq

Pastor Dave, thanks for the time you take to write and send photos. It gives me a better understanding of what you and the other men and women are dealing with. My thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Martha Deines
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